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Бывший участник Церкви Саентологии Марк Рэтбан (Mark Rathbun) опубликовал документ, из которого следует, что упомянутое учреждение в 2006 году инициировало расследование в отношении создателей сериала "Южный парк" Трея Паркера и Мэтта Стоуна. Об этом сообщает The Independent.

Расследование было инициировано вскоре после того, как в эфир выпустили эпизод под названием "Застрявший в чулане" ("Trapped in the Closet"). В этой серии Стэна, одного из главных героев "Южного парка", принимают за реинкарнацию основателя Церкви Саентологии Рона Хаббарда. Эпизод "Застрявший в чулане" был впервые показан зрителям 16 ноября 2005 года.

В рамках расследования одно из ведомств Церкви Саентологии изучало биографии друзей Паркера и Стоуна. Целью являлся поиск какой-либо компрометирующей информации, с помощью которой можно было бы надавить на создателей "Южного парка".

Полный текст документа можно найти в блоге Рэтбана. Сам Рэтбан сотрудничал с Церковью Саентологии с 1978 по 2004 год. Затем он вышел из состава организации, но до сих пор является саентологом.

Сериал "Южный парк" выходит в эфир с августа 1997 года. На сегодняшний день зрителям показали уже 219 эпизодов. Очередная серия будет представлена публике 26 октября 2011 года. За время своего существования "Южный парк" неоднократно вызывал протесты со стороны религиозных организаций.



Оригинал тут: http://markrathbun.wordpress.com/2011/10/25/miscavige-acknowledges-south-park-dark-ops/

Miscavige Acknowledges South Park Dark Ops

Posted on October 25, 2011 by martyrathbun09| 27 Comments

In all fairness to Corporate Scientology and its head David Miscavige, I am linking their response to the last two day’s world wide coverage about the operations the latter directed against South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone. Tony Ortega at the Village Voice analyzes that response in his inimitable, laser-sharp style here and accurately concludes Miscavige has as much as admitted it, Village Voice on South Park.

Leave it to Miscavige to whip out the footnuke launcher at every slightest provocation.


South Park Blowback for Corporate Scientology

Posted on October 24, 2011 by martyrathbun09| 74 Comments

reference: Corporate Scientology Targets South Park

Tony Ortega has provided the second installment of Corporate Scientology’s Operation South Park at the Village Voice website: Scientology’s South Park Investigation: To Send In A Young Mole

According to an original Corporate Scientology Office of Special Affairs (OSA, terror and harassment arm of Corporate Scientology) memorandum OSA cased the offices of South Park’s Trey Parker and Matt Stone in April 2006.

Within a couple weeks the following text appeared in an OSA Intelligence Office Daily Report (a report Chairman of the Board of Corporate Scientology David Miscavige reads avidly, daily):

OSA Invest DR 3 May 06

SOUTH PARK: A PI met with a young filmmaker who recently graduated college (who was a student of Eric Sherman). The filmmaker recently did an interview with Lloyd Kaufman, a friend of Trey Parker and Matt Stone. He has agreed to assist to establish some comm lines in the South Park Studios and to try and get intelligence on their plans with regard to Scientology. He is going to approach Kaufman to see if Kaufman can get him an introduction to Parker and Stone and either possibly get a job as an intern there or as a writer (he has seen every episode of South Park).

The Eric Sherman referred to is a long-time OSA operative in the Hollywood Community. Here is his website: http://ericsherman.com/

Ortega reports that he has been attempting to reach Sherman to no avail. You can bet OSA has Sherman under very tight control; he will either never surface or will issue a blanket denial if media interest persists. Sherman believes his immortal future depends upon playing nice with OSA and David Miscavige.

In the meantime, corporate Scientology’s chairman David Miscavige has called the dogs out on Mike Rinder who is a former Corporate Scientology insider who witnessed much of what Mr. Ortega and I have posted over the past two days. Rinder is in the United Kingdom for an important speaking engagement. Here is a report from a gentleman named Alex Castillo who met with Rinder in London today:

Today I met Mike Rinder in London. He wanted to take his friend to Buckingham Palace to see the famous change of the Royal Guard, so we three agreed to meet at a nearby tube station. The meeting had been arranged via Mike’s email and Sam’s phone. And what do you know? by the time I arrived at our meeting place a “PI” was already stationed near where Mike and his friend were waiting for me!! This just shows that the invasion of privacy being carried out under Miscavige’s orders is alive and well.

After we met and had given each other a big hug (filmed or photographed by the “PI”), we made our way to the Palace, followed by the PI. As we stood in front of Buckingham Palace waiting for the show to start, this poor guy just stood there looking bored and taking pictures. Mike was friendly and polite with him, even said something to him. I was friendly too, I smiled and asked him to smile while I took a picture of him holding his camera. He actually posed for the picture and smiled!! Later on another PI showed up with a bigger camera with a big, long microphone and all, and made a point of aiming it at us at close range. When the change of the guards finished, we walked a few blocks towards Trafalgar Square with the intention of going into a cafe. They followed all the way. The three of us went into a busy cafe, they stayed at the front door and didn’t notice that the cafe had a side door into another street, so we just calmly walked out of the side door, walked a few paces down the street, went into another cafe and disappeared from their view! From the window of the second cafe where we went in I saw one them running to the corner and frantically looking around trying to find us, but they never did, so me and Mike and his friend were able to sit down, have a coffee and enjoy our converstation undisturbed by these poor guys who are getting paid to be “Private Eyes”. Me, having heard so much about what these people do, had never experienced such bizarre situation and I must say that I am still in two minds about wheather I should laugh (I must say it WAS funny) or feel shocked by the sheer stupidity of what Miscavige is spending millions of dollars of parishioners hard earned money on. In any case, I had a great time conversing with Mike after almost 30 years of not seeing him in the flesh.

So, this experience today tells me: 1) Miscavige is still ordering the hacking of phones and emails and 2) He’s spending Church of Scientology money just to harrass his “enemies”. I know this is no news to anyone here, but I thought I would add more confirmation of it. Maybe South Park would be interested in this episode??


Seems Miscavige’s propensity to create blowback knows no bounds.


Оригинал тут: http://markrathbun.wordpress.com/2011/10/25/miscavige-acknowledges-south-park-dark-ops/

Miscavige Acknowledges South Park Dark Ops

Posted on October 25, 2011 by martyrathbun09| 27 Comments

In all fairness to Corporate Scientology and its head David Miscavige, I am linking their response to the last two day’s world wide coverage about the operations the latter directed against South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone. Tony Ortega at the Village Voice analyzes that response in his inimitable, laser-sharp style here and accurately concludes Miscavige has as much as admitted it, Village Voice on South Park.

Leave it to Miscavige to whip out the footnuke launcher at every slightest provocation.


South Park Blowback for Corporate Scientology

Posted on October 24, 2011 by martyrathbun09| 74 Comments

reference: Corporate Scientology Targets South Park

Tony Ortega has provided the second installment of Corporate Scientology’s Operation South Park at the Village Voice website: Scientology’s South Park Investigation: To Send In A Young Mole

According to an original Corporate Scientology Office of Special Affairs (OSA, terror and harassment arm of Corporate Scientology) memorandum OSA cased the offices of South Park’s Trey Parker and Matt Stone in April 2006.

Within a couple weeks the following text appeared in an OSA Intelligence Office Daily Report (a report Chairman of the Board of Corporate Scientology David Miscavige reads avidly, daily):

OSA Invest DR 3 May 06

SOUTH PARK: A PI met with a young filmmaker who recently graduated college (who was a student of Eric Sherman). The filmmaker recently did an interview with Lloyd Kaufman, a friend of Trey Parker and Matt Stone. He has agreed to assist to establish some comm lines in the South Park Studios and to try and get intelligence on their plans with regard to Scientology. He is going to approach Kaufman to see if Kaufman can get him an introduction to Parker and Stone and either possibly get a job as an intern there or as a writer (he has seen every episode of South Park).

The Eric Sherman referred to is a long-time OSA operative in the Hollywood Community. Here is his website: http://ericsherman.com/

Ortega reports that he has been attempting to reach Sherman to no avail. You can bet OSA has Sherman under very tight control; he will either never surface or will issue a blanket denial if media interest persists. Sherman believes his immortal future depends upon playing nice with OSA and David Miscavige.

In the meantime, corporate Scientology’s chairman David Miscavige has called the dogs out on Mike Rinder who is a former Corporate Scientology insider who witnessed much of what Mr. Ortega and I have posted over the past two days. Rinder is in the United Kingdom for an important speaking engagement. Here is a report from a gentleman named Alex Castillo who met with Rinder in London today:

Today I met Mike Rinder in London. He wanted to take his friend to Buckingham Palace to see the famous change of the Royal Guard, so we three agreed to meet at a nearby tube station. The meeting had been arranged via Mike’s email and Sam’s phone. And what do you know? by the time I arrived at our meeting place a “PI” was already stationed near where Mike and his friend were waiting for me!! This just shows that the invasion of privacy being carried out under Miscavige’s orders is alive and well.

After we met and had given each other a big hug (filmed or photographed by the “PI”), we made our way to the Palace, followed by the PI. As we stood in front of Buckingham Palace waiting for the show to start, this poor guy just stood there looking bored and taking pictures. Mike was friendly and polite with him, even said something to him. I was friendly too, I smiled and asked him to smile while I took a picture of him holding his camera. He actually posed for the picture and smiled!! Later on another PI showed up with a bigger camera with a big, long microphone and all, and made a point of aiming it at us at close range. When the change of the guards finished, we walked a few blocks towards Trafalgar Square with the intention of going into a cafe. They followed all the way. The three of us went into a busy cafe, they stayed at the front door and didn’t notice that the cafe had a side door into another street, so we just calmly walked out of the side door, walked a few paces down the street, went into another cafe and disappeared from their view! From the window of the second cafe where we went in I saw one them running to the corner and frantically looking around trying to find us, but they never did, so me and Mike and his friend were able to sit down, have a coffee and enjoy our converstation undisturbed by these poor guys who are getting paid to be “Private Eyes”. Me, having heard so much about what these people do, had never experienced such bizarre situation and I must say that I am still in two minds about wheather I should laugh (I must say it WAS funny) or feel shocked by the sheer stupidity of what Miscavige is spending millions of dollars of parishioners hard earned money on. In any case, I had a great time conversing with Mike after almost 30 years of not seeing him in the flesh.

So, this experience today tells me: 1) Miscavige is still ordering the hacking of phones and emails and 2) He’s spending Church of Scientology money just to harrass his “enemies”. I know this is no news to anyone here, but I thought I would add more confirmation of it. Maybe South Park would be interested in this episode??


Seems Miscavige’s propensity to create blowback knows no bounds.

Corporate Scientology Targets South Park

Posted on October 23, 2011 by martyrathbun09| 149 Comments

The following internal Corporate Scientology memorandum is being published as part of a series that exposes the standard operating pattern and methodologies of the Office of Special Affairs (OSA – the harassment and terror network of Corporate Scientology). Hubbard once noted the truism that that which one knows the technology of he cannot be the adverse effect of. So it behooves those who have decided to expose and reform the beast to know a little about the tactics it employs to combat such efforts.

To this day OSA operates mainly on Cold War era intelligence and propaganda techniques much like those of the CIA, the FBI, the KGB, and STASI of the fifties and sixties. Their main activity entails stifling criticism by an escalating gradient of techniques beginning with quiet investigation and moving up to infiltration, identification of and use of influential friends and contacts of the target, loud investigation, threats, attempts to harm the target financially, intense propaganda to discredit and ultimately, if all else fails, utter destruction of the target through overt harassment. While in this age of information many OSA operations result in epic failures, the well-heeled – if desperate – cult continues to muzzle many a would-be reformer and news agency.

In ’06 the creators of South Park, Trey Parker and Matt Stone, became targets of Corporate Scientology’s OSA. Operations were run in an attempt to silence Parker and Stone. While Corporate Scientology was ultimately unsuccessful, left behind an instructive data trail during their efforts.

16 April 2006 Report by Commanding Officer Office of Special Affairs (Corporate Scientology harassment agency, also known as OSA)(Parenthetical notations added)

Re: South Park

Eric Sherman (then-corporate Scientologist writer), who is good friends with Lloyd Kaufman (independent film maker), contacted him about South Park. Kaufman knows Trey Parker and Matt Stone and has been friends with them for years. As regards their attack on Scientology, Kaufman felt that this is the same thing they do to everyone. He said that they consider that what they do is satire and that they attack anyone or any group without any regard for who they are or what they are. They love it when they get some reaction. This week they created a new flap when they were going to show a picture of the prophet Mohammed but were censored from doing so by Comedy Central. (This was covered in the press – Comedy Central was criticized for being hypocritical, i.e., they allowed South Park to show Jesus defecating on an American flag and George Bush, but not to show an image of Mohammed. This upset Christians in particular the Catholic League.)

To find a direct line into Stone and Parker some of their friends have been identified. One is Matthew Prager, who has been a friend since 1991. He worked with them as a writer on a show called, “That’s My Bush” which Parker and Stone created. Prager said he worked in executive positions at Disney, MTV and finally, at HBO, before shedding his tie for blue jeans at “That’s My Bush.”

Another is John Stamos who is best friends with Matt Stone. Apparently his ex-wife, Rebecca Romijn, is also good friends with Stone. Rebecca is a former supermodel and currently has her own TV show. In 2000’s X-Men, she had her first major movie role as Mystique and returned to the role in the 2003 sequel.

David Goodman is another friend of Parker and Stone. He was in college with them and has co-written some of the South Park episodes with them.

These connections are being PRC’d. (PRC = Public Records Check –an intense collection of every public record available on the target)

There are some strings that will be pulled on the PRC on Stone. Otherwise the special collections (covert information gathering such as trash collection, purchased phone records, hacked airline reservations, purchased bank records) will be debugged in order to get some viable strings that can be pulled.

It is clear that this investigation is not going anywhere and DCOE (D/Commanding Officer External OSA) is getting it debugged.

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